Discover How to Engage Your Autistic Child So You Can Feel
the Joy When They Interact with You and Others!
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Do you know you can probably get engagement from your autistic child by using the game Bobcat and Beaver?
Do you ever wonder why the parent of an autistic child complains “I wish my child would just interact with me”?
Here's a reason why this is so frustrating. The parents do not have the right tools to engage the children in a way that is fun for the child and not boring for the parent!
Let me explain: Time after time that problem has been solved by the use of a card game specially designed for children with autism. It is called Bobcat and Beaver.
The question to ask yourself is: “Will anything change in 6 months if I don't do something now?”
Do you ever wonder why the parent of an autistic child complains “I wish my child would just interact with me”?
Here's a reason why this is so frustrating. The parents do not have the right tools to engage the children in a way that is fun for the child and not boring for the parent!
Let me explain: Time after time that problem has been solved by the use of a card game specially designed for children with autism. It is called Bobcat and Beaver.
The question to ask yourself is: “Will anything change in 6 months if I don't do something now?”
The biggest question on the hearts and minds of the parents of an autistic child is: “How can I interact with my child in a way that they can respond in a positive manner to that interaction?”
Parents are distraught at the fact that often their kids call them nothing at all! Not Mom. Not Dad. Not anything!
Who am I to help you with this? As a former educator for adults and children, including those RNs, LVNs, social workers and others when I was authorized by the Texas Nurses Association give CEUs when I lived in Texas,I have designed games and activities for special groups for years!
Then I was challenged by my new pastor’s 10 year old son. This handsome young man laid across the chairs at church, his head covered by his ever-present “blankie”. The only interaction I saw for weeks on end with anyone was his kissing his mom s he went off to children’s church, only to lay down there with his “blankie” over his head!
Once I discovered he was autistic, I asked God to help me design a game to interact with him and Bobcat & Beaver was born.
After just a few months of regular playing, he now sits up most the time in church. Nothing else was different - he’s had the same teacher for 3 years. Same church. Same family. His folks say that he carries this card game around and asks to play it. His mom told me that he never, ever has been able to play any kind of game with anybody before and this was really huge!
And mom and dad play it with him often! When his Mom introduced me to him as the lady who gave him Bobcat & Beaver, he rewarded me with several seconds of eye contact and a huge smile which brought tears to my eyes!
Parents are distraught at the fact that often their kids call them nothing at all! Not Mom. Not Dad. Not anything!
Who am I to help you with this? As a former educator for adults and children, including those RNs, LVNs, social workers and others when I was authorized by the Texas Nurses Association give CEUs when I lived in Texas,I have designed games and activities for special groups for years!
Then I was challenged by my new pastor’s 10 year old son. This handsome young man laid across the chairs at church, his head covered by his ever-present “blankie”. The only interaction I saw for weeks on end with anyone was his kissing his mom s he went off to children’s church, only to lay down there with his “blankie” over his head!
Once I discovered he was autistic, I asked God to help me design a game to interact with him and Bobcat & Beaver was born.
After just a few months of regular playing, he now sits up most the time in church. Nothing else was different - he’s had the same teacher for 3 years. Same church. Same family. His folks say that he carries this card game around and asks to play it. His mom told me that he never, ever has been able to play any kind of game with anybody before and this was really huge!
And mom and dad play it with him often! When his Mom introduced me to him as the lady who gave him Bobcat & Beaver, he rewarded me with several seconds of eye contact and a huge smile which brought tears to my eyes!
It took 10 years and countless tries and countless failures to achieve engaging interaction with this autistic child. But it was accomplished with Bobcat & Beaver and is now available for other parents who have children with autism!
Now, you can interact with your child as well!
Inside the game, Bobcat & Beaver, you're find a deck of 65, regular sized (U.S. Poker) but specially designed cards and instructions for two games. This young man plays Battle, the second game.
Inside the game, Bobcat & Beaver, you're find a deck of 65, regular sized (U.S. Poker) but specially designed cards and instructions for two games. This young man plays Battle, the second game.